Over the fourth quarter, Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe A EUR Acc recorded a performance of -0.66%, outperforming its reference indicator, which posted a loss of -0.93%. For the year 2024, the fund achieved a performance of +7.30%, compared to a rise of +5.10% for its reference indicator.
In 2024, American exceptionalism stood out while Europe faced increasing challenges. Political developments in France and Germany contributed to the growing divergence between the two regions. This difference was also evident in equity markets, where the U.S. stock market delivered robust returns driven by artificial intelligence (AI), with major indices reaching new record highs. In contrast, European indexes showed mixed results. The Stoxx 600 had modest gains, but there were significant disparities, with the DAX performing around 20% while France's CAC 40 was negative. European equities lagged behind due to political instability, economic weakness, and limited exposure to AI, underperforming in a year of strong overall equity returns.
In addition to political disruption, the year was also marked by changing monetary policy expectations. Early in the year, disinflation provided an opportunity for developed central banks to begin normalizing monetary policy. However, the latter stages of this process proved more complex than anticipated, causing investors outside of Europe to adjust their expectations regarding potential rate cuts. Consequently, the European fixed income market experienced significant volatility but delivered positive performance as the weaker economic outlook translated into greater confidence in the downward trajectory of interest rates.
The fund ended the year with a performance of +7.30%, surpassing its reference indicator which rose +5.10%. Even more noteworthy is that this performance closely mirrors that of the Stoxx 600 Europe, despite maintaining an average net equity exposure of just 36% and experiencing half of the volatility.
The varied performance across European markets presented numerous opportunities for us as multi-asset portfolio managers. Consequently, all our asset classes contributed positively to our performance in 2024. Within equities, our strategy of selecting high-quality stocks proved successful. Our primary sectors, healthcare and technology, were the main drivers of our performance, with standout stocks including Argenx, Lonza, SAP, and ASML. However, the latter half of the year posed more challenges for our stock selection, as the economic environment favored cyclical stocks that were anticipating multiple rate cuts and a subsequent global economic recovery. At this time our risk management strategies involving derivatives on equity indexes and volatility were effective, particularly during the summer's market turbulence caused by the unwinding of the yen carry trade. As a result, the macro overlay contributed positively to our annual performance.
Within the fixed income allocation, our credit exposure was profitable, and our decision of maintaining a low modified duration throughout the year helped us avoid interest rate volatility. Our credit asset selection once again yielded attractive returns through the carry component. Additionally, our inflation-linked instruments performed well in the second half of the year. Lastly, our exposure to commodities, especially gold, silver, and copper, also proved effective. Gold and copper experienced an outstanding year in 2024, driven by geopolitical tensions, accommodative monetary policies, and strong demand related to the energy transition, which propelled their prices to record highs.
As we look ahead to the first few months of 2025, the global economic landscape will likely be shaped by the initial decisions of President D. Trump and the economic data emerging from the United States. The lack of predictability surrounding the new administration's policies presents a challenge in forecasting specific outcomes. However, President Trump's strong focus on economic growth is expected to initially bolster risky assets, reinforcing our strategy to maintain a high exposure to equities and credit. Close attention will be paid to economic indicators, particularly inflation data, as persistent inflation could hinder further rate cuts in the United States. This scrutiny will be crucial in shaping our investment decisions and risk management strategies.
In Europe, we observe that investor pessimism appears to be fully priced into the market, potentially even excessively so. Despite this, there are several reasons for cautious optimism. The upcoming German elections could result in a strong majority, paving the way for significant fiscal easing. Additionally, developments in Ukraine and China could serve as positive catalysts for the European economy. While these scenarios are not guaranteed, their occurrence in a context of high household savings rates could have a substantial economic impact. This, in turn, could significantly influence European asset markets, given the currently low valuations and expectations.
Carmignac P. Patrimoine Europe is strategically positioned to capitalize on the potential resurgence of interest in a region that has been largely overlooked by investors. By maintaining a vigilant and adaptive approach, we aim to leverage these opportunities to deliver consistent returns for our investors through a diversified strategy that includes: a long-term equity portfolio of European leaders, exposure to European credit, selective investment in key commodities, active management of duration, and robust risk management on equities primarily through options strategies.
*Escala de riesgo del KID (Documento de datos fundamentales). El riesgo 1 no implica una inversión sin riesgo. Este indicador podría evolucionar con el tiempo. **El Reglamento SFDR (Reglamento sobre la divulgación de información relativa a la sostenibilidad en el sector de los servicios financieros, por sus siglas en inglés) 2019/2088 es un reglamento europeo que requiere a los gestores de activos clasificar sus fondos, en particular entre los que responden al «artículo 8», que promueven las características medioambientales y sociales, al «artículo 9», que realizan inversiones sostenibles con objetivos medibles, o al «artículo 6», que no tienen necesariamente un objetivo de sostenibilidad. Para más información, visite: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2019/2088/oj?locale=es.
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe | -4.8 | 18.7 | 13.9 | 9.5 | -12.7 | 2.1 | 7.3 | 4.1 |
Indicador de referencia | -4.8 | 16.4 | 2.4 | 10.2 | -11.0 | 9.5 | 5.1 | 4.5 |
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe | + 1.3 % | + 4.8 % | + 4.8 % |
Indicador de referencia | + 3.7 % | + 4.6 % | + 4.1 % |
Fuente: Carmignac a 28 de feb. de 2025.
Las rentabilidades históricas no garantizan rentabilidades futuras. La rentabilidad es neta de comisiones (excluyendo las eventuales comisiones de entrada aplicadas por el distribuidor)
Indicador de referencia: 40% MSCI Europe NR index + 40% ICE BofA All Maturity All Euro Government index + 20% €STR Capitalized index. Reponderato trimestralmente.
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